Our Team
We are a highly potent team of savvy digital marketers who love social media. We live it. We breathe it. Just don’t ever ask us about our screen time - it’s not pretty.
Rachel Callan
Founder and Director
Our fearless leader Rachel (Rach) is a consultant and speaker with over 10 years of experience helping small to medium-sized businesses grow through cutting edge digital marketing strategies that #GetTonguesWagging. Social media guru, musician, passionate blogger and lover of all things creative, Rachel is our thought leader and creativity curator.
In 2020 she co-founded the Thriving In Business initiative with her partner in crime, Katie Croft. Within a very short period of time they’ve achieved some incredible success including being named in the top 30 Marketing Podcasts in Australia!
Abbie fowler
Social Media Manager
Our Abbie has a keen eye for a gooood lookin' feed. She brings an incredible breadth of experience to the content creation space - her photography and graphic design skills are on-point! Honestly, there's not much this girl can't do. #SkillsForDays.
Accompanying her creativity is a killer knowledge of social media strategies that #GetTonguesWagging. Abbie is an invaluable addition to our team.
Nicole POrtacha
Social Media Manager
We knew immediately that Nicole was the girl for us. She’s got sass, style, appreciates good food in all it’s forms and lives and breathes social media.
She’s actually a journo who went on to find a passion for social media marketing and pursued her dreams with some other well-known agencies around town. We snagged her talents and we’re not letting go.
Tip: don’t interrupt her when the lighting is good. She’s a woman on a mission.